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Climpact network has produced and offers freely a series of datasets about climate change

Publication: 11-07-2022
Hourly values of meteorological data from the Finokalia station of the Laboratory of Environmental Chemical Processes (ECPL) of the Department of Chemistry of the University of Crete. The data contains wind speed in m/s, direction in o, temperature in oC, relative humidity in %, total solar radiation in w/m2, pressure in hPa and precipitation height in mm.
Publication: 29-01-2021
The data series consists of meteorological variables form 54 meteorological stations for the period 2010-2019. You can see the data visualization on https://www.meteo.gr/climate/ The parameters are ambient air temperature (°C), relative humidity (%), atmospheric pressure (hPa), rainfall (mm), wind speed (km/h) and direction. The observations stem from the automatic weather stations network of the National Observatory of Athens/meteo.gr. Information for the stations and possible malfunctions can be found on http://meteosearch.meteo.gr/ on the corre...