TS_MO_STROFADES_19900101-20200527_2020052710435 ...

URL: https://data.climpact.gr/en/dataset/3ab11cb1-d60c-4a2d-81a4-10a48e139618/resource/3ec8559f-69bb-4d94-b386-64f522144277/download/ts_mo_strofades_19900101-20200527_20200527104358.nc

Explanation of file naming e.g. “PR_BO_E1M3A_19900101-20200527_20200527104358.nc” The “PR_BO_E1M3A_19900101-20200527_2020052710435” is the data file id which can be split as: * PR: vertical profile e.g. the reference parameter is DEPTH or TS if it is time series data e.g reference parameter is TIME. * BO: bottle data or CT: CTD data or MO: mooring. Generally it denotes the Data Type. * E1M3A: platform (buoy) name * 19900101-20200527: start – end of data (yyyy-mm-dd) of Quality Controlled delayed mode data. * 104358: an internal code * .nc: format (NetCDF) __Parameter name__ __Parameter code__ __Unit__ Ammonium (NH4-N) AMON mmol m-3 number of bacteria cells in sea water BCCW 10+9 m-3 Chlorophyll CPHL mg m-3 Chlorophyll-a fluorescence FLU2 mg m-3 Light irradiance immerged PAR LGHT microeinstein m-2 s-1 Dissolved oxygen DOX1 mmol m-3 Nitrate + Nitrite NTRZ mmol m-3 Phosphate (PO4-P) PHOS mmol m-3 Silicate (SIO4-SI) SLCA mmol m-3 Ph PHPH Sea pressure PRES dbar Depth DEPH m Time TIME days since 1950-01-01T00:00:00 Latitude LATITUDE degree_north Longitude of each location LONGITUDE degree_east Practical salinity PSAL ppt Sea temperature TEMP degrees_C Turbidity TUR4 Air temperature in dry bulb DRYT degrees_C Atmospheric pressure at sea level ATMS hPa Current to direction relative true north HCDT degree Horizontal current speed HCSP m s-1 Gust wind from direction relative true north GDIR degree Gust wind speed GSPD m s-1 Wind from direction relative true north WDIR degree Horizontal wind speed WSPD m s-1 Spectral significant wave height (Hm0) VHM0 m Mean wave direction from (Mdir) VMDR degree Spectral moments (0,2) wave period (Tm02) VTM02 s Wave period at spectral peak / peak period (Tp) VTPK s Maximum zero crossing wave height (Hmax) VZMX m

Πρόσθετες Πληροφορίες

Τελευταία ενημέρωση Φεβρουάριος 8, 2021
Δημιουργήθηκε Φεβρουάριος 8, 2021
Μορφότυπος application/x-netcdf
createdπάνω από 3 έτη πριν
last modifiedπάνω από 3 έτη πριν
on same domainTrue
package id3ab11cb1-d60c-4a2d-81a4-10a48e139618
revision idc6efd869-5425-4a93-8cdc-f446ab69be5e
size3,4 MiB
url typeupload