

Warm spell events for the Larissa weather station (GR000016648) for the years 1961-2021 using the CTX95pct climate index. Percentile values were computed using the years 1961-1990 as the base period. Results include only summer months (June to August). Source of raw maximum temperature (Tmax) data: [NOAA Global Historical Climatology Network daily (GHCNd)]( Missing dates in the original data result to no warm spells detection for the corresponding period. The csv file includes 6 columns. The first 2 columns correspond to the first and the last day of the warm spell event (dd/mm/yyyy). The third column gives the duration of the warm spell in days. Columns 4 to 6 give the average, the standard deviation and the maximum value of Tmax (in degrees Celsius) during the warm spell.

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Last updated February 25, 2022
Created February 25, 2022
Format text/csv
createdover 3 years ago
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedover 3 years ago
on same domainTrue
package id598c45fa-0a40-4fec-8205-7ff7ce1771bc
revision id5a468372-0cf0-4cf3-950f-dce0e85ec17d
size854 bytes
url typeupload