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Climpact network has produced and offers freely a series of datasets about climate change

Publication: 25-02-2022
Mapping of the urban areas of Athens, Larissa and Rethymno into Local Climate Zones (LCZ). Data are available as raster images at a 100 m resolution. The LCZ classification system [(Stewart & Oke, 2012)](https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/bams/93/12/bams-d-11-00019.1.xml) divides cities into discrete zones with specific urban form and function characteristics. Using remote sensing data, digital elevation models from the Hellenic Cadastre, and GIS data, we first derived urban morphological parameters, including the building height, the vegetation...
Publication: 25-02-2022
Time series of warm spell events using climate indices (1961-2021) for the cities of Athens and Larissa. Data include the first and the last day of each warm spell, and aggregate statistics about its intensity. Warm spell days were detected using the climate indices CTX90pct and CTX95pct. According to the climate index CTX90pct [(Perkins & Alexander 2013)](https://doi.org/10.1175/JCLI-D-12-00383.1), a warm spell event occurs when the maximum temperature exceeds for at least 3 consecutive days its 90th percentile for the base period. The 90th percentile ...
Publication: 08-02-2021
Time series with in-situ data of the Poseidon system for the monitoring of the Greek Seas. Data include atmospheric (such as air temperature, wind speed and direction, waves, currents) and marine physical and biochemical parameters (such as temperature, salinity, chlorophyll-a, dissolved oxygen, turbidity). Data have been collected by several measuring platforms like fixed buoys, Argo floats, oceanographic cruises, FerryBox systems. They have been subject to delayed mode quality control and expand from 25/5/2000-27/5/2020.
Publication: 03-11-2021
The data were produced by the nationwide phone survey carried out by the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) during November-December 2020. The survey was conducted on a representative sample of the Greek population aged 18-65 years old , using structured questionnaire. It was aimed at identifying the views and attitudes of the Greek citizens regarding the climate change and its impacts. 1201 phone interviews were conducted with Greek residents. The response rate was 24,5%. Open-access data will be available until December 2022.
Publication: 08-11-2021
Particle number size distribution data of fine particles at Akrotiri, Chania for the time period between November 2020 - September 2021.
Publication: 08-11-2021
Particle number size distribution data of coarse particles at Akrotiri, Chania for the time period between November 2020 - September 2021.