

The file dataset describes on the first sheet the Kottafi Hill geological section during the Miocene Climatic Optimum, on the second sheet the Pissouri South geological section during the Pliocene Warm Period, on the third sheet the ODP core 160-967A, on the fourth sheet the ODP core 160-967Β, on the fifth sheet the ODP core 160-967C and on the sixth sheet the ODP core ODP KC01_160-964E. The third to sixth sheets with the ODP cores refer to the Pliocene Warm Period. In column A, the first four rows include the necessary information for each study: exact location, coordinates, relevant references, open access data source. The seventh row of column A and below correspond to the heights of the geological sections or the depths (meters below seafloor) for the ODP cores. Column B corresponds to the ages in thousands of years (BP: Before Present) The next columns include the paleo-climatic proxies: - Stable isotopes and geochemical analyses of the sediment and planktonic organisms (d13C, d15N, C/N, OC % (TOC%), TIC%, TC%, ΤΝ%, T δ18Oplankt, δ13Cplankt) - Alkenones and paleotemperature (alkenones (ng/g), SST (oC)) - Paleoclimatic bioindices of planktonic microorganisms (S-indexcoccos) - Pollen and spores paleovegetation proxies (microcharcoal, pollen concentration, spore concentration, terrestrial plant concentration, Type 207 concentration)

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Τελευταία ενημέρωση Φεβρουάριος 25, 2022
Δημιουργήθηκε Φεβρουάριος 25, 2022
Μορφότυπος application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
createdπάνω από 3 έτη πριν
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedπάνω από 3 έτη πριν
on same domainTrue
package idf0ed2811-9bad-4806-9b35-890c089cd287
revision id75f859d5-c41a-459f-a3b5-d90cdc637ec3
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